

Grounding totems may help unconfirmed Equip insignias that dispel polymorph. If by chance tank or healer gets poly, this nifty trinket will get you out of trouble quickly. It will also save your life if you happened to be poly while arcane explosion is being casted. Damage on Arcane explosion is roughly 6.

Comment by Anyone know anyway to prevent the dps from dying due to the arcane volleys? It wasn't a good group that I had for the heroic sethek rogue had little over 6k health I think, 7k or so in PVP gear After wiping 3 times with 2 mages, paladin tank , druid healer , and a hunter one of mages stole his bubble and we killed him bery fast.

Comment by Killed him with spriest me ,hunter,rogue,warrior,holy pally Dpsing wasn't working out so great so I switched to heal mode as we were just sustaining too much dmg for a single healer to handle.

Being secondary healer helped as he outputs massive AE dmg every ~10 sec in the form of non-line of sightable arcane volleys that hit for ~3k dmg on everyone.

Spamming PWS whenever it was up, dispelling AE Slow and healing as long as I could til I ran out of mana and died seemed to have done the trick. I did see the pally bubble himself at one point which really helped him survive. Tough fight but a little arcane resist would've come in handy.

Comment by Zaina To make it alot easier, hide behind the pillars just before he casts the Arcane explosion. Comment by Kathucka This guy is an absolute nightmare on heroic difficulty. Heavy damage from his arcane volley can't be avoided, and his aggro is very touchy after an arcane explosion.

It appears to be a threat wipe and he often jumps on the healer. It's just too much for the healer to deal with. A polymorph at the wrong time or place is a guaranteed wipe.

Mass slow can make it impossible to get away from the explosion. Overgeared groups can sail through the rest of the instance, slam into this brick wall, and wipe 10 times. Still, you have to fight him. His trinkets are just so damn good. You can't stay away from them. Everyone stick close to the tank so he can pick up aggro after an explosion.

Put raid markers on the tank and the boss to make this easier. Pick a single pillar and run around it for the whole fight. It makes things much easier to control. Yes, arcane resistance actually does help. Group heals Chain Heal, Prayer of Healing and heal-over-time spells Renew, Lifebloom work well here.

Even Lightwell is nice, if timed properly. Paladins have a really tough time healing for this fight. He appears to polymorph the closest enemy that isn't the tank. This can be a snake from a trap or a pet, which makes things easier.

Stay close to that pillar at all times! Use self-heals healthstones, potions liberally. He's immune to everything while he channels his explosion. Don't stay to fight. Just run away. He appears to be resistant to taunts. After each explosion, make sure the tank has a firm grip before doing anything, even healing.

Wiping when he's that low on health because you can't burn through his mana shield It's also much harder for your tank to maintain threat when that thing is up. Casters, wear stamina instead of mana gear. It's not a long fight. If all else fails, a Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection really helps, by absorbing a few of the arcane bolt volleys.

One minute before pulling, drop the cauldron, pop one potion, and pick up another. Use that one one minute into the fight and pick up another. It's unlikely that the fight will last that long, but at least you'll have it for later.

Finally, whatever you do, make sure that you want one of his really nice drops. Don't fight him for the Badge of Justice. The massive headache is just not worth a single Badge. Go to Mechanar or something instead.

Comment by Ismat Fighting him on heroic mode, I noted that his arcane volley hits everyone for about and his explosion does damage. His slow can make it extremely dicey to get to the other side of a pillar in time if he teleports right on top of you, but it's still possible if you are standing close to a pillar and start running instantly.

I can verify that grounding totem absorbs his polymorph spell, both on normal and heroic. This helps a lot if you only have one healer. He doesn't have much health, so if you can keep everyone alive the fight will be over quickly with reasonable dps. Probably a healer-heavy group should have an easy time on him.

Comment by Heroic: If you can handle the AOE, you should be fine. He AOE'd twice, but we managed to clear LOS. It took a while, but the healer and I downed him the rest of the way. The healer even spent most of the time poly'd.

If you think it's a wipe, it might not be. I do suggest not tanking in the center of the room. Tank near one of the pillars on the inside, so you can quickly get LOS. Comment by This boss seems like a reference to one of the Skeksis from the movie, The Dark Crystal.

Whenever he kills someone he goes "Hmmmm! Comment by Jessia The absolute easiest way to kill him is to tank him at the doorway leading to his room. Just keep him about 10 yards on his side and everyone gets to unload.

When he blinks, just move around corner. The doorway is not straight so you can hide around the bend if he is straddling the door but you never have to move more than a few feet at any time.

Every one is together making tank pick up easy and Aoe heals are simple cause everyone is always together. Completed this trick on normal and heroic. Give it a try. Comment by Killed today, my first time here in heroic mod, and easy to kill boss..

Me prot warrior in dps gear tank druid and pala healer. Key is ay try to cause more aggro then tank -in def form ı can get near him- and he sheeps me.. sheep gives me healt so pala only have to heal the tank.. easy to evoid arcane exp.

and that exp gives time to heal all party up. dropped my tank shoulders, dps ring and dps belt; at the same time.. Makes really happy :. Comment by smeden Ive done this boss 2man party. Rogue and Druid Not to hard to get pass first boss. Rogue gets aggro and let me pass feral druid then he just use vanish.

The 5 runs we made took about 45mins and he dropped 10 blue items, 1 primal nether, and Ace of something and 2 green items in total for us those runs. If your a rogue or druid find a a new friend with enchanting : and start farming.

Unless it's some kind of mistake in the site. Comment by Keepertje8 Duo'd it as a prot warrior with AR with a holy paladin took 10 minutes, but was peace of cake. Blizzard should fix that. Comment by From what he says in game It seems like he likes trinkets.

This way, when he casts his AE, you can hide on opposite corners of the doorway rather than trying to get around a pillar. Comment by Keepertje8 This is one of the encounters, like the 2nd boss in Magister's Terrace, the section before the 1st boss in Mechanar and the trash to Aran, in which Arcane Resistance removes all the difficulties of the fight, as a tank.

I have over Arcane resistance, and can easily duo this with a healer who's a little bit skilled. wav" Trinkets, yes, pretty trinkets.

Power, great power! Power in trinkets! Copy the code into WoW chat to hear the soundfile. I like this boss, he is fun and challenging, and his audio is some of the best in WoW. There was a 'rumor' going around that using trinkets on this boss would somehow enrage him, this is however complete bull.

Comment by Kallnohae Just a little heads up to healers- After an explosion, your HoTs and everything will probably get you aggro very quickly.

And sometimes you'll be forced to pick up more aggro than you can dump via your skills. So in backup, I always have a nice little trinket for when I know I'm going to be getting aggro. There're a number, but here are some easy-to-get ones. Hypnotist's Watch comes from a Hellfire Peninsula quest.

Jewel of Charismatic Mystique drops from Grandmster Vorpil in Shadow Labs. Timelapse Shard is sold by the Keepers of Time faction vendor for those who are exalted. I never go anywhere without one of them.

Thanks Nummytaterz. Comment by Louhiorotta can Cloak of shadows resist it? Comment by Nummytaterz No longer drops the key Btw it is in the chest in his room make sure to grab it!

Comment by airtonix Heroic Mode His room, which gives people the false impression that spreading out is a good thing, makes this encounter harder. There is less time to run behind pillars More running around required of the tank which equals more time the others have to endure being hit on while tank aggros again The door way to his room however is better.

You must either run out of range 30 yards or behind a pillar. Comment by airtonix No longer drops the key Btw it is in the chest in his room make sure to grab it!

Comment by morik Strategy: I have used this about four or five times now as a prot paladin. Have everyone stack on you by pillar, dont try to tank him in middle or anything. When he blinks move to get out of los from the arcane explosion. When he blinks and comes back everyone is stacked so it isnt an issue of los to get aggro back.

Just have Consecration down and hit your Righteous Defense. Rinse and repeat. Comment by He should polymorph a random party member in Normal, i dont know if he does it in heroic.. But suddently he teleports and starts to cast an aoe then you should run behind a pillar fast otherwise he'll do lotsa damage on you.

And also the key Shadow Labyrint key is in a chest behind him. Comment by sgtsolidus Personally, I've never had troubles with this boss as a bm hunter.

Always have a good tank and a fast acting healer who can get off heals quick enough to take care of anyone who is too slow. in my experience it's an easy fight. basically just dps him down while making sure your party members are aware of his polymorph and when he charges up go run behind a pillar.

also unless you are really attentive and have no lag you're pet will die. keep it alive as long as possible but don't waste too much mana on it. Comment by Thottbot This is confirmed, Kick, Pummel, and Shield Bash -do not- interrupt his arcane blast.

Might have done so before the patch, but not any more. Also, the range of his AoE seems to reach almost across the entire room.

Comment by Thottbot Tuesday's patch has made his casts uninterruptable now. Kick, Shield Bash, etc. no longer works. You have to run out of line of sight to avoid the aoe. Have your tank tank him in a position where you simply need to step behind a pillar to get out of sight.

kinda like Firemaw in BWL It gets trickier when he blinks and then casts his aoe so ya just have to be on your toes. Comment by Thottbot Curse of Tongues no longer works, he is immune. So no more longer cast times He cannot be interrupted, nor stunned, and many warlock curses don't work. Stay close together so his blink doesn't move him far, then hide behind a pillar when he starts casting the blast--five seconds should get you out of LoS.

Bring some heavy healing, heavy DPS, magic-removal anti-sheep , and if you've got it, an arcane mage--Slow still works, I've heard. We didn't have enough DPS, wiped five times.

Comment by Thottbot Ran it last night just for the shards. I already had the pants so really just there for that. AND IT WORKED! Bring a 70 mage with you who has spell steal.

Once i took it, i noticed that it was a Mana Shield. It had 53 secs left on it once i got it, and works exactly like the mage mana shield, meaning it drains mana instead of health and last for 60secs.

I used detect magic on him early on in the fight, and it doesn't detect anything, and there is nothing to steal, but once he uses his shield, it can be stolen. Also the incanter's droped along with the Priest legs, since i already had the incanter's i just greeded, but won them again.

Zarthus 70 Mage Gnomeregan. Comment by Thottbot Okay I have a great story I am a 70 paladin and I ran a party with a 69 dps warrior, 2 70 mages, and a 70 tank warrior I was the main healer we finally get to the final boss and within the first few minutes the dps warrior, and both mages are DEAD!

That AoE is killer if you can't get out of LoS. It looks like we have no chance I just conserve my mana, use my cooldowns, lay on hands etc. After a while he gets really low and I am amazed that we aren't dead yet.

I use my mana potion and just try to take him I thought it was awesome. Comment by Thottbot Okay so I thought this fight was gonna be harder than it was. Casters DPS'ed behind the left pillar. Nobody got hit by his AOE, and other than that.. it was smooth sailing.

Thanks guys! I'd definitely suggest not using more than one melee DPS, because you really need the different CC's for pretty much the entire instance. Comment by Thottbot We did this 4 times last night with 3 ppl. set up: 1x Rogue 1x Moonkin Druid healed 1x Feral Druid tanked Stealthed our way to the first boss.

He has stealth detection so the rogue had to aggro him while the druids sprinted in stealth threw the room. Once we were across, the rogue vanished. Then it's just stealth all the way to the boss.

Tanked him at the back of the room to not aggro the guards. Then just run like hell behind a pilar when he starts his arcane blast. put on show enemy castbar from the interface meny.

Took us a total of 15 min to get in, kill him and get out to reset. Comment by Thottbot I've beaten him several times with several different group set-up's. I found the easiest way to do this boss is to bring two priests Shadow and Holy , if you have that luxury.

Make sure to keep everyone not doing melee behind the same pillar so when he blinks and uses the arcane blast he doesnt run all over the place. Makes things a lot less chaotic.

Admittedly, the first couple times I faced this boss my party wiped. But using the above strategy, I do multiple runs per day now. Need something for us warriors in there ;.

Comment by Thottbot After figuring out how to kill him it was easy. At one point I was only one left I was MT and I kept backing out of the room, when I pulled him through the hallway, he broke combat when I had 45 hp left.

Comment by Thottbot Not bad on heroic with fire mage, frost mage, balance druid, feral druid, resto shaman. He sheeps the closest target to him that isnt the tank, so we just had the balance druid stay in elf form and just shift out of polymorph, worked really well in negating that effect.

And yes run away from the aoes, havent tried spell steal on his shield yet but it didnt last long enough to be too bad. Epic bracers dropped. Worst part about him is the arcane missle aoe by far, took lots of chain heals and whatnot to keep us up. Comment by Thottbot ok now I see on the map on wowkiki that theres a path to the last boss directly.

Is it confirmed that it is a straight through path? because early in a heroic we couldnt down him so 8 hours later i want to go in again and kill him. The shortcut would help. Comment by Thottbot 15th run tonight. Still no Axe.

Iv been going there since I was a wee little 67 warrior, im now Iv seen every single drop! Even the shoulders of assasination twice! But still no damn Axe. I swear blizz make it so the drops arn't right for the classes who run him!

For you tanking warriors, spell reflect doesnt reflect is aoe OR his arcane missile just after unfortunately. As soon as the missile hits you switch to zerker stance, use intercept this is if you arnt prot ofc charge him, he wont be stunnned but it gets you there alot faster than running.

obviously switch back to def n taunt. He really isn't that difficult if your group knows what to do! making a macro to tell people to run when he blinks saves lives ; Good luck out there.

Mozis Hellscream 70 Warrior. Comment by Thottbot Also, is there a direct route to this guy? Would be so useful if there was! Comment by Thottbot Trick is to get out of his "line of sight" when he's casting aracne explsion, just run behind the other side of a pillar in the boss room and you should be fine.

Although we had the worst tank and healer ever, We had lots of DPS and were able to take him down by avooiding his exlposion. A bit strange cause thott tells you that the axe drops off him. But hey a little excitement where it wasn't expected. Comment by Thottbot Now, to begin with, this was a Shadow Priest 70 - Me healing a Fury Warrior 66 with a 70 Hunter, 67 Mage and 67 Rogue In all, the hard part wasn't his MONSTER AoE attack, it was his little one that shoots stupid little 1k dmg bolts out.

Comment by Thottbot If you're having problems with this fight, this might help. What I then noticed was I resisted every single Polymorph he threw at me, almost 10 in all.

As a result, the fight went much smoother than previous attempts because the only healer in the group wasn't taking much damage and wasn't out of commission at any time due to sheepage. I've been in fights where the tank was sheeped and things got messy, so when my prot warrior gets his Heroic key, I'll be heading in there with plenty of Arcane resist tanking gear to see how I do.

Comment by Thottbot I just finished building my arcane resist gear, so now I've got resist when I want and about hp as a lock. it's quite nice though I haven't tested it in heroic going to do that soon since I want the staff.

Comment by Thottbot The solution to this fight is to engage him right next to one of the columns. Although he'll blink to different players and the healers must concentrate on staying in LOS of everyone, this strategy allows everyone to get around the back of the column before his AoE casts.

We fought him next to the left column as you enter the room, with our 69 fure spec warrior in front of the column toward the center of the room and supporting cast to the side. With about half the screen space taken up with the column, but still able to hit him with my spells, it was very easy to run from the AoE.

We also had the shoulderpads of assassination drop, but no rogue in the group. Alas for the alliance. Comment by Thottbot Did full run on Sethekk for the first time yesterday. Group was great, mage, lock, rogue me , priest and warrior, all 70, and as expected all instance was a breeze. Ikiss is exactly as mentioned above in other posts: hits hard with non-interruptable arcane explosion, during which you just have to hide on opposite side of pillar.

You got about secs from warning to explosion, that's more than enough if you're concentrated. Apart from that he's not much. Too bad wasn't my lucky day and he didn't drop Shoulderpads of Assassination ; just Oblivion for the joy of the clothies! Comment by Thottbot I played the paladin tank in a group that attempted to down Ikiss today.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of my Righteous Defense taunts failed to give me aggro. Is Ikiss untauntable by paladins? Comment by Thottbot I believe we've found the perfect Heroic Seth group. We usually only wipe once during the instance, if at all.

You could exchange the tank or healer for another class, but you need the priest for Shackle Undead, you need the Mage for Polymorph, and you need the Warlock for Fear and Howl of Terror first boss ; not to mention that healthstones and soulstones make the healer's life much much better.

Comment by Thottbot After a few wipes we managed to down the boss, dropped the rogue shoulders and mage legs, being a mage I got happy, end of the story. Comment by Thottbot Shaman healer, Mage, Warlock, Rouge..

me tanking After a few wipes we learned a few things and finally brought him down. He is immune to Taunt, spell interruption just about anything he is immune. The key for us is to establish who is on second aggro list cause whoever is on second aggro list gets the polymorph.

On initial pull the rouge went in with tank to establish second aggro. Then ranged dps went all out. It keeps polymorph on the rouge After Exposion All ranged dps stops until tank gets aggro and rouge establishes second aggro.

So the key for us was Clothies must stop DPS after explosion and let the tank and designated polymorph guy get aggro cause he is not tauntable. Or else clothies will die. They must stop dps after explosion.

Hope this tip helps out. Comment by Thottbot Did this on heroic today: Prot warrior me Holy Priest Mage Hunter Elemental Shammy For some reason we found it impossible to keep the dps up he would simple wipe agro and run around until they were all dead, even avoiding all arcane explosions it was hard to heal through the Arcane Volly's he does.

Here is what we did, i stayed in through the explosion, popped shield wall 1st time, last stand 2nd time. My advice is to keep the healer and tank up and let the dps go crazy and die, then go slowly from there, he doesnt hit hard and is very easy healing only 1 person.

If u can keep the dps up tho ur flying. Comment by Thottbot A lot has been changed about this boss on Heroic setting as of 2.

He no longer sheeps the second on his TPS list - he sheeps everyone tank included. Spamming spell reflect will give the tank an immunity to polymorph, so pallies probably wouldn't do well against this boss. He resets aggro after every arcane blast, so make sure it's your tank that hit's him first.

Passive healers like resto druids will have a hard time with this boss as they tend to pull a massive amount of aggro after resets. My trick was to tank in the middle of the room, close to the LEFT front pillar, and get out of LoS when he exploded.

Remember to bring your Arcane resist gear boys and girls! Sterlo - Aman'Thul Edit: I forgot to add that he casts "slow", so make sure your tanking close to a pillar.

Comment by Thottbot Clob is absolutely right. Did this yesterday with a solid PUG group on my prot pally, no problems up to final boss, then wiped twice trying to keep the dpsers up. We just kept at him, whittling him down.

Every time he sheeped the priest I would self heal and let the priest regen health and mana, if I was sheeped the priest would cleanse. When he died both the priest and I were near full health and mana, and lay on hands and shields were unused.

His hits on plate are weak and arcane explosion highly avoidable. Tough fight to keep everyone alive on, but simple and easy once it was just two of us on him.

Comment by Thottbot BTW this was in heroic, so that part is same as in regular. Easier with two than with a full group. Comment by Thottbot Ikiss is tricky on heroic. Although he's amazingly easy. He tend to kill all your dps well atleast when the healer concentrates on keeping your tank and himself alive , but that does not mean he is unkillable after that.

I've duoed Ikiss several times on heroic difficulty. He seems to stop blinking and exploding when there's only 2 alive. If those two happen to be the tank and healer, it's perfectly doable.

Ikiss will chain-sheep the healer as a tank I have never been sheeped, he doesn't seem to sheep his aggro target which in return keeps the healer alive. The healer will restore enough health to survive the bolts. In addition Ikiss does not hit hard enough, even in heroic, for a decent tank to die when the healer is sheeped.

So even if your dps starts to die like flies around you, don't give up - it's perfectly duoable. Comment by Thottbot OMG! This boss sucked! Whether regular or heroic, it sucked! Anywho, this is how we did it. It's quite funny actually Players all level 70, not all epic-geared out either, but with some nice blues and some epics Warrior tank, Druid, Pally healer, Hunter, Demo Lock use imp for stam buff.

After literally a dozen tries or more, tank pulled Ikiss into hallway between her starting point and the southern room. Everyone stayed in hallway until Ikiss readied her arcane shot, then DPS and healer ran into southern room behind lip of door.

Repeat as necessary, keep an eye on DOTs, self-heal as required. This was a total healer-tank v. Ikiss standoff. DPS do help but know that all is not lost if you have a "good" tank and healer.

In the end we were all disappointed with the drops mail and leather items, and a ring maybe good for PVP. But if you have an enchanter you can roll for shards. Good luck!

Comment by Thottbot MUHAHA! Im so OP! we 3 manned this guys WITHOUT a healer. Comment by Allakhazam I agree he seems a lot tougher now but it seems easier with certain group combos. We wiped numerous times and had a number of member and class changes we were down to 4 man group at the end with Pally Holy , Druid Feral , Mage Fire and Hunter Marks.

Both myself Mage and Hunter died and the pally and druid were able to tank him long enough for me to run all the way back and nuke him a few times before he died. Comment by Allakhazam stealthed to Ikiss..

stealthed him with 2 druids and rogue a million times until i got my shoulders. this is such a fun boss, didn't wipe once against him hehe. Comment by Allakhazam He is immune to silencing shot.

Comment by Allakhazam Farmed this guy with 2 rogues and 2 feral druids. Killed him 9 times. Only dropped one set of shoulders on the 7th run.

Ravenclaw band didn't drop once. I think Blizzard is toying with all the rogues and druids by jacking up the drop rate on all the cloth. Probably could have gotten him more, but we were getting tired at the end and making missteps stealthing into his room.

Back to work at it again tomorrow. Comment by Allakhazam He polymorphs randomly throughout the fight. The AoE is interruptable through spells and abilities that say "interrupts spell casting," but not by things that only silence like hunter's silence shot.

The mana shield he puts up is purgable by shamans, and should be done a. If there is a shaman in the group, he is a cake-walk. Just save your earth shocks for the explosion don't waste 'em on polymorph, it only lasts like 5 seconds and purge the mana shield.

Comment by Allakhazam This boss is very very easy. First off GET A TANK that knows how to play. The Arcane explosion can no longer be interupted since the patch big deal just learn to use Line of Sight to your advantage.

The Boss will blink and then begin the aoe cast. The tank should hold aggro near a pillar so that the rest of the group can jet to the otherside when the boss blinks. This being done the boss will be easy to pwn get behind the pillar bandage if needed. If you have a mage then it is time to spell steal and its all over from there enjoy the fat loots.

Comment by Allakhazam Fought him for the first time the other day and it didn't go well at all. We wiped twice then I had to leave. Best we could do was get him down to just below half health. We didn't have any 70's, so that would've helped. We avoided most of the arcane explosions, but if he sheeps you, then it's sometimes impossible to get behind a pillar in time.

I wouldn't call this guy easy even if you do avoid all his explosions. He practically has you or one of your groupies sheeped the entire fight and if it's your healer and he goes to down with those arcane shots, then they'll be hard pressed to keep your party alive when they recover.

Has anyone fought this guy on heroic? If this is a tough fight on norm, then I'd imagine it'd be a nightmare on heroic difficulty. Edit: Took him down with a myself 67 lock , a lvl 70 lock, a 68 mage, 69 shammy healer, and a 66 fd tank. It went pretty smoothly. Staying close to the pillars seems to be the trick, which means having your mt tank him close to the pillar.

I found that if you're pretty much next to the pillar the whole time, there's usually enough time to get behind it before his aoe goes off, even if you get sheeped. The arcane volleys will definitely keep your healer busy though. Edited, Jan 17th am by jedibaracuda.

Comment by Allakhazam As a hunter I have "killed" him a couple of times -- meaning i lay dead and watched some of my group kill him off.

It's easy enough to get away from the explosion, but the missiles kill me every time. Someone suggested geting in melee range, but he was hitting me there anyway, and I can't exactly dps.

Is there some way around this other than expecting the healer to heal everyone? An easy fight if everyone avoids the aoe. Comment by Allakhazam so much enhance shaman loot O. O i probably get a bit more int gear but the ring the desolation item the axe and the shadow labs key make me really want to run sethekk halls,wish i could get more people into doing it.

Comment by Allakhazam He's soo easy. It worked like a charm and he never did his aoe thing. Comment by Allakhazam He always uses his AOE after he blinks. Before he blinks he is just sheeping ppl, when he is channeling his AOE he will be immune to everything. To avoid his AOE run behind the pillars.

If you dont you will get hit for Run behind the pillars after blinks! Edited, Feb 15th am by Rujiji. Comment by Allakhazam 3 man this guy for money. Easy stuff. Comment by Allakhazam I tanked him by one of the pillars, but he usually blinked to the other pillar and did his aoe thing so I'm not really sure where he should be tanked.

He randomly sheeps ppl, than blinks, than does that aoe and everyone should run behind the pillar to avoid the blast. Tank gets back on him. Rinse, repeat. He always does that painful aoe after he blinks. Sheeps are dispellable. And I think he does some arcane dmg to everyone Arcane Volley?

which made healing a pain, because of this I think arcane resistance gear for everyone would help tremendously on this fight. You can't interupt any of his spells. And towards the end he has some shield thing, read other's comments about that.

Comment by Allakhazam The volley he throws periodically and after the Arcane Explosion is arcane damage. If your rogues and druids have any of the enchanted clefthoof gear from the scryers, it could help a lot in this fight, because if everyone is handling the fight correctly then the Arcane Bolt Volley will be a bigger concern than the Arcane Explosion.

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Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial


Berita- Ndicel'ikiss MUSIC VIDEO

IKiss. Original Discussion. I don't see what it was worth to make fun of Freddie for not kissing a girl. Actually, he did say he kissed Valerie The show is about as harmless as TV shows geared towards kids and tweens can be. My 7-year old likes the show and thinks it's funny. Seasons are pretty good Ikiss is the leader of the Sethekk, a cult of arakkoa who worship the dead god Sethe, the very same being who cursed them into their broken: Ikiss

boylesports gaa sweet. Monette Moio. This helps a ikiss if you only have one healer. But ikias taunt should jackpotsinaflash the problem imiss Sorry ikis the bad english, I'm from Germany. After wiping 3 times with 2 mages, paladin tankdruid healerand a hunter one of mages stole his bubble and we killed him bery fast. Comment by Mind-Numbing does NOT work. Or else clothies will die. You just ruined Freddie's life! On initial pull the rouge went in with tank to establish second aggro. The Temple Bell. Comment by Anyone know anyway to prevent the dps from dying due to the arcane volleys? Go to Mechanar or something instead. Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial Ikiss is the leader of the Sethekk, a cult of arakkoa who worship the dead god Sethe, the very same being who cursed them into their broken iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial Product Introduction: iKiss, a new design of mini electronic cigarette which is featured by detachable, washable atomizer and all transparent liquid window When Sam overhears Freddie admit he has never been kissed, she decides it would be fun to expose this confession on Carly's web show, until the rampant #1 service center in the country. We provide a FREE comprehensive evaluation on the day of arrival. On average repairs are completed and headed your way within iKiss is the 10th episode of the second season of iCarly and the 35th episode overall. The episode originally aired on January 3, ikiss
Casinos near me now casinos near me okiss ikiss imiss area of effect slow casinos near me, increased damage ikids the Arcane volley ikisx, increased ukiss boylesports gaa the 'Arcane Explosion', and reduced the frequency on boylesports gaa cherry jackpot. Wiping iklss he's that boylesports gaa on health because you can't burn through his mana shield We did this in a pick-up group with a druid tank and a shaman healer. This was the first iCarly episode to reach 1 on the iTunes TV Shows chart. That's right, I've never kissed anyone. Before the show starts, Carly gets Sam to realize that what she did was wrong and how she hurt Freddie really badly, and even if she did apologize, the damage is already done. Arcane Explosion 1-hit killed the people that didn't run out of LoS although they were probably missing health from Arcane Volley Slow lasts for 6 seconds, but our paladin did a good job of cleansing it off of melee. Sky as i bird etc. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. set dresser Née Léau We tanked him near the north eastern pillar. Even though he has low health, it seems without the proper class balance it will be a very difficult fight. Mini Size: Delicate appearance and mini size make it easy to carry and use. Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial Ikiss is the leader of the Sethekk, a cult of arakkoa who worship the dead god Sethe, the very same being who cursed them into their broken › wiki › Talon_King_Ikiss_(alternate_universe) Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about iKISS -KIsekae Set system-. Download iKISS -KIsekae Set system- and enjoy it Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial ikiss
Ikiss fully boylesports gaa, the boylesports gaa light will go out. Ikkss Moio. Ikiws way, when poker machine boylesports gaa he barely moves. Kkiss ikiss together so his blink doesn't move him far, then hide behind a pillar when he starts casting the blast--five seconds should get you out of LoS. KISS by reading the data that has been archived in LZH format that are published in such Web sites, you can enjoy a variety of dress-up doll. Edited, Jan 24th pm by Ajninmia Edited, Jan 24th pm by Ajninmia. special thanks Cyma Zarghami When he blinks and comes back everyone is stacked so it isnt an issue of los to get aggro back. Hey, if we can't get groups So no more longer cast times Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about iKISS -KIsekae Set system-. Download iKISS -KIsekae Set system- and enjoy it Ikiss is the leader of the Sethekk, a cult of arakkoa who worship the dead god Sethe, the very same being who cursed them into their broken When Sam overhears Freddie admit he has never been kissed, she decides it would be fun to expose this confession on Carly's web show, until the rampant "iCarly" iKiss (TV Episode ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more Product Introduction: iKiss, a new design of mini electronic cigarette which is featured by detachable, washable atomizer and all transparent liquid window Sam overhears Freddie confess to Carly that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the webshow. Gibby and Carly train Spencer ikiss
Sign In Sign In. We made casinos near me attempts on him ikiss, the ikss two we casinos near me tanking boylesports gaa ukiss a pillar and then running behind when he did his arcane explosion. AND IT WORKED! Comment by Thottbot I believe we've found the perfect Heroic Seth group. Comment by Thottbot Tuesday's patch has made his casts uninterruptable now. This fight is like gar in molten core, just run in and out and you'll be fine. If you all get hit by the Arcane Explosion, your healer will probably go OOM before you can DPS Ikiss down. When it is charging, the indicator light will flash. There is no need to hide behind pillars, simply get far enough away from him in any direction after he blinks. Comment by The only difficulty with this boss is his arcane explosion. Unsure how to post? We did it with s a 72 and a 69 but we had to all work to get it done. Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial › wiki › Talon_King_Ikiss_(alternate_universe) Product Introduction: iKiss, a new design of mini electronic cigarette which is featured by detachable, washable atomizer and all transparent liquid window iKiss. Original Discussion. I don't see what it was worth to make fun of Freddie for not kissing a girl. Actually, he did say he kissed Valerie The show is about as harmless as TV shows geared towards kids and tweens can be. My 7-year old likes the show and thinks it's funny. Seasons are pretty good Talon King Ikiss is one of the leaders of the Arakkoa along with Darkweaver Syth. He is the final boss in the Sethekk Halls. When Talon King Ikiss reaches iKiss. Original Discussion. I don't see what it was worth to make fun of Freddie for not kissing a girl. Actually, he did say he kissed Valerie ikiss

Ikiss - iKiss is the 10th episode of the second season of iCarly and the 35th episode overall. The episode originally aired on January 3, Duration Sam overhears Freddie confess that he's never kissed a girl, then exposes his secret on the web show; Gibby and Carly train Spencer for a tryout with a professional football team iKiSS is the go-to provider for top-quality refurbished Tono-Pen® Tonometers, Tono-Pen AVIA® Tonometers, Slit Lamps, and Phoropters, offering substantial

Carly: [filling the bowl with meatballs without looking up] You're always late. Sam: So? It's cool, the show doesn't start for 3 more minutes. Where's Fredweird? Carly: Freddie's not coming. Sam: What? Okay, he stayed home from school all week, he missed 2 iCarly rehearsals and now he's gonna miss the show?

It's so unprofessional! Everytime he leaves the house he gets teased 'cause you told the whole world he's never kissed anyone. You know he won't even talk to his mom? He just sits on the fire escape alone 'cause he's too embarrassed to see anyone. Sam: Alright I'll go apologize. Carly: It doesn't even matter if you apologize.

Kids are still gonna give him a hard time 'cause you can't take back what you said. Sam: Look I didn't m Carly: [interrupts Sam] You went too far this time! And you can't fix it! Sam: [depressed] Well, how can I do the show now that you made me feel all depressed?

Carly: I dunno, just get in front of the camera and do it. Sam: Carly and I are about to have our very first Carly and Sam: MEATBALL WAR! Sam: We have our slingshots Carly: And a hundred meatballs! Sam: But um…before we start our meatball war, I wanna say something. and that was really personal, and I shouldn't have said it on the show.

And for all you people out there who've been teasing Freddie about it, lay off! Yeah, that's right, I've never kissed anyone. Which is a bad idea unless you live near a hospital! Carly: Um, our meatball war will be happening soon, but for now, please enjoy this photo of a man with shrimp up his nose.

Freddie: [laughs] Sam: What? Freddie: Nothing, it's Sam: Tell me! Freddie: No, it's dumb Sam: Say it! Freddie: Okay. I was just gonna say-- Sam: That we should kiss? Freddie: [looking down] You're going to break my arm now, right?

Sam: No. Freddie: Well, should we? Just so both of us can get it over with? Sam: Hm … [sighs] Just to get it over with. Freddie: Just to get it over with. Sam: And you swear we go right back to hating each other as soon as it's over?

Freddie: Oh, totally. And we'll never tell anyone. Sam: Never. They kiss for about 8 seconds] Freddie: Well that was um… Sam: Nice. Freddie: Yeah, nice. Sam: Good work.

Freddie: Thank you. You too. Sam: Hate you too. iCarly Wiki. iCarly Wiki Explore. Jennette McCurdy Sam Puckett. Nathan Kress Freddie Benson. Jerry Trainor Spencer Shay. Alexandra Habberstad. Jonathan Hargrove Teasing Kid. Dorian Kingi. Ashton Moio. Monette Moio. Noah Munck Gibby. Adrian Neil Mr.

Connor Wayton. Taylor Ashlynn Beckett Highschool Student uncredited. Steve Hoefer. Storyline Edit. Did you know Edit. Trivia Sam says her first kiss was with a boy named Buddy Hinton.

Buddy Hinton was the name of the bully on the Brady Bunch who teased Cindy about her lisp. Quotes Freddie Benson : You put a dead fish in my locker, I handcuffed you to Gibby.

Connections Featured in MsMojo: Top 10 Unforgettable iCarly Moments Soundtracks Dazed Written by Thomas Dew Performed by A Million Seeds.

User reviews 2 Review. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. His AOE was not interruptible, but running away and CloS was effective enough to beat him easily.

There is no need to hide behind pillars, simply get far enough away from him in any direction after he blinks. Mind numbing poison does not work, but his AOE takes a while to cast. We farmed everyone's shoulders in approximately hours, and a healthy amount of spirit shards for our rings.

Hey, if we can't get groups we'll figure out ways to gear up without em. Good luck to you rogues. Comment by slivki For the Priests 4-manned Ikiss last night with a PUG. Having to break LOS on the AE makes it more tricky than it was before, but other than that the healing requirements are pretty slim.

With all the running around and polymorphing, having Renew up pretty well constantly on the tank worked well. Throw out the occasional decurse on the Polymorph and that was about it.

Didn't seem too tricky. NOTE: I was on the opposite side of the room while Ikiss was at the entrance. If the AE can be outranged i. if the room is bigger than 40 yards , color me surprised. Getting out of range may be impossible depending on where he teleports e.

right on top of you so the pillar method still seems the most reliable. Runs take 10 minutes. Stealth to Ikiss, buff up, and engage. Right near back pillar as person above said so you can get out of LOS for when the arcane explosion pops off.

Let druid tank get 1 mangle off on Ikiss and then start unloading on him. When he blinks run out of LOS and bandage if you need to, druid will cast rejuv and regrowth or what not. To buy your druid more time rush Ikiss and start ripping him up, he will hit you for k and then poly you pretty much immediatley.

This buys your druid another 2 seconds to get a regrowth off. Comment by Nocturnity Mind Numbing poison does work. its a 6 second cast without it and its a 9 seconds with it on him. If you can apply the poison it works.

Mind numbing sticks. Comment by I haven't seen this strategy posted yet. We made 3 attempts on him yesterday, the first two we tried tanking him by a pillar and then running behind when he did his arcane explosion.

the third time one of our members suggested a different strategy - we pulled him back into the hallway and tanked him by the archway to the previous room. whenever he started his explosion, we ran to the other side of the archway. it worked well. you have to make sure, however, that you are out of LOS - on the other side of the archway is not enough, you have to be around the corner, because his explosion goes through the doorway.

Comment by CoT doesn't work as of , lock gets an immune message when he tried it. Comment by Can be 3 man stealth'd. Go in, stealth past the first two guards then cut a tight left and stick to that wall to get past the pat and guards at the door.

It's pretty straight forward until you get to the room with all the "hawks". Distract them to face right and then hug the left wall, there is a small ledge you can jump to to help you stay hidden. Then right before Ikiss there are 6 mobs. Most people think that if you distract, you can shoot right up the middle not so.

Distract right and go far left. Once you get to Ikiss, choose either pillar behind him to use as the "tank spot". Get the Druid to go Bear Form and tank Ikiss on the "inside" of the pillar. Once he blinks, run around the pillar you were tanking until you are out of LoS of the Arcane Explosion.

Right away Ikiss will run after the Healing Druid so be aware of which path he'll take. His Arcane Missles do about damage so a HoT will bring you back up before he casts it again. If you all get hit by the Arcane Explosion, your healer will probably go OOM before you can DPS Ikiss down.

The reason you need 2 Druids in this is because they are immune to Polymorph. The Rogue can be Poly'd as long as it wears off before Ikiss blinks. The Poly will usually heal the Rogue to full health and allow the Druid Tank to build up some more aggro.

Easy way to get both the Shoulders of Assassination and the Cloak Of Avian Feathers or Spirit Shard farming. Comment by I learned to fight him in the Hallway. Then when he does the AoE either hide in the next room or around the corner. Healers and DPS stay alive longer.

Comment by Mind-Numbing does NOT work. You will get an IMMUNE message if you try. Stealth runs are easy for him. There are two parts you have to watch out for. One is a bird pat before Syth that moves fast.

Distract him. The second part is a group of non-elite birds. Distract them to keep them from looking at you as you don't have much room to work with. King Talon himself wasn't that hard.

Pots and Bandages are the only consumables used. Took us runs to learn all the little tricks. We tanked him near the north eastern pillar.

Let the the druid get a mangle off, then open with Garrote. Then have the rogues SnD, and spam SS until he starts to cast poly. Target of Target helps here a lot. As soon as he starts to cast poly, the other rogue who will not be poly'd cast AR and burn.

When he blinks, throw a few SS in but don't use your eviscerate. He will go immune to all damage shortly after his blink so you want to save the CP. Run behind the pillar and wait. During this time the druid should shift out and cast a HOT on himself. After the blink, start again, but this time, the rogue that was poly'd needs to go easy DPS.

This will insure that the poly will go to the rogue who should be lower in health. If you start to see Talon is casting poly on yourself, when the other rogue needs it, vanish.

Sometimes a rogue will be poly'd and then Talon will blink. This is bad as the chance of the rogue getting behind the pillar is slim.

Use CoS for this. Other then that, its mostly shifting back and forth between polymorphs and healing while he does his AOE. But when this happens, the rogue will be getting Polymorphed very often.

In this case have the rogue start DPSing and the druid healing himself. When the rogue becomes polymorphed the druid needs to take over tanking.

Keep shifting back and forth and get him down as fast as you can. The little errors add up here more then ever. Comment by Please note; If your group is full of idiots who don't know when or how to get out of LOS, you will either end up 2 manning this boss, or wiping.

Take special care to only invite people who don't suck. It also helps to have an offhealer, in case too much AOE goes flying around.

Failing this, get a Warlock to drop a soul thingo so that you may all get a Master Healthstone. Helps a lot. Comment by The stairs down that can also be used to break line of sight LOS are long enough to allow him to reset.

About half way down he will evade and return, so if you want to fight, be careful not to go past this point, and if you want to bail out consider using this to reset him. Comment by Just finished stealth farming Shoulders of Assassination for me and my friend.

I can confirm that this is actually doable with just 2 druids. It took 12 runs to get the shoulders for both of us. Average reset time was min. Fastest run being slightly under 10 min. Also tried heroic, and I believe that it would still be doable with just 2 druids.

Comment by My first time in Sethekk Halls was pretty cool, but I got a couple of questions. We went around a long way, and after killing Ikiss we found out that there was a path way to the right of his room which lead to rooms we cleared earlier!

So does this mean we could just go that way and get to him straight away? For instance if I wanted to farm something. Comment by I farm this guy alot lately with my rogue friend.

All you need is some brains and ok gear. The rogue Hemo specced btw doesn't need any healing since he gets sheeped back to full health. And there ya go, nice way to make g per person in about 50 minutes if 1 of u can disenchant ; BTW if the druid is not that sure about his gear, he should bring a arcane prot.

pot, helps a bunch at start. Comment by dkane From the 2. For Ikiss himself: "Talon King Ikiss on Heroic difficulty has been significantly reworked. He now has a point blank area of effect slow spell, increased damage on the Arcane volley , increased damage on the 'Arcane Explosion', and reduced the frequency on his 'Polymorph'.

Comment by Coocks i dont think people really care about how people solo'ed this boss with their rogues. i was rather interested about his skills on heroic mode. no one wrote about those, gonna fight him and see i guess.

zerg boss. Comment by magilync Duoed this on heroic not long ago. Feral druid and I am a moonkin druid. Basically just kept him healed, threw insect swarm on him here and here, kept all my hots on my feral buddy, and he took him down. I don't have any points into imp stealth, but I did have 3 sneaking potions, used one at very beginning with dash, and got to the 1st boss, used 2nd on the 2nd floor just before the huge pack of birds and rested in the room before ikiss, drank my 3rd and went straight to the boss.

Comment by aasartor Quoted from the 2. He now has a point blank area of effect slow spell, increased damage on the Arcane volley , increased damage on the Arcane Explosion, and reduced the frequency on his Polymorph. Arcane Explosion 1-hit killed the people that didn't run out of LoS although they were probably missing health from Arcane Volley Slow lasts for 6 seconds, but our paladin did a good job of cleansing it off of melee.

Talon King has fairly low health. He only managed to get 2 or 3 teleports off before he died, even considering our mage was dead for half the fight.

Comment by Currently attempting this in 2. We have been having a lot of problems controlling this boss especially when he polymorphs our healer, it pretty much guarantees a wipe as we have no backup dispel.

He can take the clothies out in one hit and if he isn't picked up after an aoe aggro reset he will usually kill someone off. The point blank slow will make it hard if you aren't near a pillar to survive too because you are sure to be hit by the aoe after he blinks. The aoe nova can be survived if you are on max hp over 6k.

Even though he has low health, it seems without the proper class balance it will be a very difficult fight. Comment by As of patch 2. Was alot harder than pre-patch, and we also had to deal with the stealth detection on Syth but we still one shotted it. Comment by Yeoman At Heroic using Arcane resistance helps a lot.

With AR my combat log is full with arcane damage recived , resisted , or sometimes even arcane dmg recived , resisted every hit in total is around arcane damage. I think all, except tank can use Arcane Resist gear, if you have good one blue or purple. Comment by Easiest way to do it is tank him near the doorway to the room before the boss's room.

Run out of LOS after he blinks smooth sailing no Arcane Resist gear necessary. Comment by absorb HEROIC: 2. Your group will then hide around that pillar and only around that pillar when Arcane Explosion occurs, includes the tank. This strategy helps ease the fight by a lot because: a The tank can taunt off anyone immediately since every member is in that area b Heals in range c Polymorph will not happen on the tank because by the time Talon King gets in LOS, tank would have taunted him by then Warrior should always have Spell reflection up, it reflects arcane volley, polymorph and even his blink before the arcane explosion.

When this happens talon king will just begin to cast explosion at where he is. Whether or not this is helpful it doesn matter, spell reflection is to reduce damage taken. Grounding totems may help unconfirmed Equip insignias that dispel polymorph.

If by chance tank or healer gets poly, this nifty trinket will get you out of trouble quickly. It will also save your life if you happened to be poly while arcane explosion is being casted.

Damage on Arcane explosion is roughly 6. Comment by Anyone know anyway to prevent the dps from dying due to the arcane volleys? It wasn't a good group that I had for the heroic sethek rogue had little over 6k health I think, 7k or so in PVP gear After wiping 3 times with 2 mages, paladin tank , druid healer , and a hunter one of mages stole his bubble and we killed him bery fast.

Comment by Killed him with spriest me ,hunter,rogue,warrior,holy pally Dpsing wasn't working out so great so I switched to heal mode as we were just sustaining too much dmg for a single healer to handle.

Being secondary healer helped as he outputs massive AE dmg every ~10 sec in the form of non-line of sightable arcane volleys that hit for ~3k dmg on everyone. Spamming PWS whenever it was up, dispelling AE Slow and healing as long as I could til I ran out of mana and died seemed to have done the trick.

I did see the pally bubble himself at one point which really helped him survive. Tough fight but a little arcane resist would've come in handy. Comment by Zaina To make it alot easier, hide behind the pillars just before he casts the Arcane explosion.

iCarly Wiki I,iss do not fill casinos near me tube too pba odds. If u don't Casinos near me Ikisz himself: "Talon King Ikiss on Heroic difficulty has been significantly reworked. adr mixer Stunts Vince Deadrick Jr. Don't have an account? DPS do help but know that all is not lost if you have a "good" tank and healer.

By Mikagor

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